CPP31318-Certificate III in Security Operations +Armed Guard, cash in transit and Baton &handcuff.

16D/77-79 Ashley Street Braybrook VIC 3019, Australia

Suite 2, 62 Robinson Street Dandenong VIC 3175 Australia

Course Overview

To qualify for the above program it is a requirement to have a current Security license.


The aim of the Certificate III in Security Operations (Armed Guard / Cash-in-Transit) Licensing program is to develop student understanding in providing operational security services in the context of high risk asset protection.

What will students study?

Upon completion of the Certificate III in Security Operations (Armed Guard / Cash-in-Transit) students will gain competency in the following units:


CPP31318 Core Units

Subject Code
BSBFLM312Contribute to team effectiveness
CPPSEC3105Coordinate provision of quality security services to clients
CPPSEC3106Gather, organise and present security information and documentation
HLTWHS003Maintain work health and safety
CPPSEC3101Manage conflict and security risks through negotiation
CPPSEC3102Maintain operational safety and security of work environment
CPPSEC3103Determine and implement response to security risk situation
CPPSEC3104Coordinate monitoring and control of individual and crowd behaviour
CPPSEC3125Implement security procedures to protect critical infrastructure and public assets

Additional Elective Units – Baton and Handcuffs

Subject Code
CPPSEC3110Control persons using batons
CPPSEC3111Restrain persons using handcuffs

Additional Elective Units – Cash in Transit

Subject Code
CPPSEC3118Inspect and test cash-in-transit security equipment
CPPSEC3119Implement cash-in-transit security procedures
CPPSEC3120Load and unload cash-in-transit in secured and unsecured environments

Additional Elective Units – Armed Guard

Subject Code
CPPSEC3114Control security risk situations using firearms
CPPSEC3115Carry, operate and maintain revolvers for security purposes
CPPSEC3116Carry, operate and maintain semi-automatic for security purposes

Throughout your studies our Student Employment Support Services team is available to provide complimentary employment preparation and support. Through our extensive network of employer contacts we will not only ensure that you are aware of employment opportunities that may arise but also offer you support and guidance as part of any applicable job application process

Information sessions are held where employers meet with recent graduates and are provided information and employment opportunities in the security industries. Students are then encouraged to make contact with prospective employers following the receipt of their security licence.

Additional support and resources are also provided to ensure students gain competitive edge in their search for employment, including;

  • Resumes and Cover Letters support
  • Job search strategies and confidence  with cold calling
  • Guidance with career planning
  • Post-graduation prospective employer sessions
  • Work integrated learning/placement

At Knights College our point of difference is that we actually care about our students, and the only ones who can attest to this are the people that matter the most to us OUR STUDENTS.

Students from around the globe study at Knights College and find it a life-changing experience.
Our students rate the college as one of the leading provider of security courses in Victoria for teaching, support, and all round experience. Let them tell you about it in their own words.

Visit the Facebook link below and check out photos and videos of our graduates, and what our students have to say about their studies at the college:


Quick Facts

Cert III in Security Operations – 12 days
Baton & Handcuff 3 days+Armed Guard+ Cash In Transit (6 days theory+2 days practical)

Cert III in Security Operations – 12 evenings
Baton & Handcuff – 3 evenings
Armed Gurad and cash in transit 6 days Theory and 2 days practical

Certificate III Incl. Baton, Handcuff & Armed Guard,cash in transit : $2200
Certificate III + Baton, Handcuff &  : $1250
Certificate III in Security Operations : $900

Cert III in Security Operations – 8 days
Baton & Handcuff – 4 days
Aviation & Screening – 4 days

Concession Card Holder: $20*
Non-Concession card holder: $100*

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